How to use Google Keyword Planner

How to use Google Keyword Planner

How to use Google Keyword Planner

Keyword Planner Meaning 

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool provided by Google as part of its Ads platform. Initially designed for advertisers to plan their Google Ads campaigns, it has evolved into a powerful resource for content creators seeking to enhance their SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts.


In today’s digital age, where the success of online content depends greatly on visibility, mastering the art of keyword research is very important. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a novice blogger, understanding how to effectively utilise tools like Google Keyword Planner can make all the difference in achieving your online goals. In this blog, we’ll look into the ins and outs of Google Keyword Planner and explore how to leverage its features to optimise your content strategy.


How to use Google Keyword Planner

To access Google Keyword Planner, you’ll need a Google Ads account. Once logged in, navigate to the “Tools & Settings” menu and select “Keyword Planner” from the dropdown. If you don’t have an Ads account, you can create one easily by signing up on the Google Ads website.


Keyword Planner SEO

At the heart of SEO lies keyword optimization – the strategic integration of relevant keywords into website content to improve search engine rankings. Google Keyword Planner plays a pivotal role in this process by providing insights into keyword search volume, competition level, and suggested bid. 

To harness its potential for SEO, follow these steps: 

Identify Target Keywords 

Begin by entering short phrases relevant to your niche or industry. Keyword Planner will generate a list of related keywords along with their metrics, allowing you to measure their potential effectiveness.

Analyse Competition 

Assess the competition level for each keyword to determine its viability. Opt for keywords with moderate to low competition, as they offer a better chance of ranking prominently in search results. 

Refine Keyword Selection 

Use filters to refine your keyword list based on parameters such as location, language, and search network. Tailor your keyword strategy to your target audience’s preferences and behaviour.

Plan Content Strategy 

Add selected keywords strategically into your website’s content, meta tags, and headings. Aim to create high-quality, relevant content that resonates with both users and search engines.


Keyword Planner Website

In addition to informing content strategy, Google Keyword Planner can be instrumental in optimising your website’s structure and architecture. By targeting specific keywords, you can optimise individual pages for maximum visibility and relevance.

To utilise Keyword Planner for website optimization, do the following:

Page-Level Optimisation 

Identify keywords related to each page’s topic or theme and optimise its content accordingly. Ensure that keywords are smoothly integrated into titles, headings, and meta descriptions.

URL Structure 

Incorporate target keywords into your website’s URL structure to improve search engine crawlers’ understanding of your site’s content hierarchy. Use descriptive, keyword-rich URLs for better indexing and ranking. 

Internal Linking 

Utilise targeted keywords as anchor text when linking between related pages within your website. This not only enhances navigation but also reinforces the relevance and authority of linked pages. 


Keyword Planner Extension 

To speed up the keyword research process and enhance productivity, consider using browser extensions that integrate seamlessly with Google Keyword Planner. These extensions offer additional features and functionalities to streamline keyword analysis and optimisation tasks.


Some popular Keyword Planner extensions include:

Keyword Surfer 

Provides keyword search volume, CPC (Cost Per Click), and related keyword suggestions directly within search engine results pages (SERPs), allowing for real-time analysis and decision-making.

Keywords Everywhere 

Offers keyword search volume, CPC, and competition data across multiple platforms, including Google Keyword Planner, Google Search, and YouTube. It also provides keyword suggestions and related search queries for comprehensive research.


Offers a suite of SEO tools, including keyword analysis, competitive analysis, and on-page SEO auditing. It integrates seamlessly with Google Keyword Planner and provides valuable insights into keyword trends and performance.



In the landscape of digital marketing, Google Keyword Planner emerges as an impressive friend for SEO professionals and website owners seeking to enhance their online visibility. By understanding its meaning, leveraging its capabilities for SEO optimisation, harnessing its potential for website enhancement, and utilising browser extensions for streamlined research, you can unlock new avenues of growth and success in the competitive digital landscape. Embrace the power of Google Keyword Planner and push forward your SEO efforts to new heights. 

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