Facebook changed its logo — see if you can tell the difference

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, even the smallest change can create a buzz among netizens. Social media giant Facebook, now owned by Meta, has set the internet abuzz with its latest makeover — a new logo for 2023. Social media enthusiasts and tech aficionados are scrambling to dissect the alterations and unravel the subtle nuances that distinguish the old from the new. Let’s delve into the details and decode the essence of Facebook’s latest visual update.

The Evolution of a Brand: Facebook’s New Logo 2023

Change is the only constant, they say, and Facebook has embraced this quote with its revamped logo. Although the alteration might seem subtle at first glance, the meticulous redesign signifies a significant step for the company. 

The new FB logo stands as a testament to Facebook’s commitment to staying relevant and visually engaging in an era where aesthetics play a pivotal role in user experience.

What’s Different?

Upon closer inspection, the alterations in the Facebook logo become apparent. The lowercase “f” in the logo is tweaked a bit, and the background of the logo is now in the darker shade of blue. These seemingly minor tweaks contribute to a cleaner, more modern look, aligning Facebook’s visual identity with contemporary design trends. 

Why the Change?

The question that naturally arises is: why did Facebook decide to update its logo? The answer lies in the dynamic nature of digital branding. As technology advances and design trends evolve, it’s imperative for companies to adapt their visual identities to maintain a fresh and appealing image. Facebook’s logo update aligns with its mission to provide users with an up-to-date and visually pleasing platform, enhancing the overall user experience.

The Impact on User Experience

While a logo might appear to be a mere graphical element, its influence on user experience is profound. A well-designed logo not only enhances brand recognition but also fosters a sense of trust and familiarity among users. By introducing a new logo, Facebook aims to create a visual identity that resonates with both existing users and potential newcomers. The sleeker, more contemporary design is likely to appeal to younger audiences while ensuring that long-time users still feel connected to the platform they know and love.

The Buzz on Social Media

Unsurprisingly, the unveiling of Facebook’s new logo has set social media platforms ablaze. Twitter, Instagram, and even Facebook itself are flooded with discussions, reactions, and memes related to the logo update. Users are sharing their thoughts, speculating on the reasons behind the change, and, of course, engaging in friendly banter about whether they prefer the old logo or the new one. It’s a testament to the significant impact that even a subtle design change can have on online communities.


In the ever-changing world of technology and design, Facebook’s decision to update its logo is a strategic move to stay ahead of the curve. By adapting its visual identity to contemporary aesthetics, the social media giant ensures that it remains visually appealing and relevant to its diverse user base.

As users continue to explore the nuances of the new FB logo and engage in lively discussions online, one thing is clear: change, even in the form of a redesigned logo, has the power to captivate and energize digital communities. So, the next time you log into Facebook, take a moment to appreciate the subtle elegance of its new logo — a symbol of the platform’s enduring commitment to innovation and user satisfaction in the ever-evolving digital age.


Why did Facebook change their logo?

Facebook changed its logo as part of a strategic effort to adapt to the evolving landscape of digital design and user experience. In the fast-paced world of technology and branding, staying visually relevant is crucial. The updated logo represents a conscious decision by Facebook to ensure that its visual identity aligns with contemporary design trends, providing users with a fresh and modern experience.

Companies often update their logos to convey a sense of innovation and progress. By introducing a redesigned logo, Facebook aimed to create a refreshed design of the logo that was bolder, electric and everlasting. 

Did Facebook change its blue?

The Facebook logo is still blue, but it’s a little more blue. 

What are Facebook’s original colours?

The official Facebook colours are blue and white.